The C1973 EV Power Train Lab, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) launched a e-Postgraduate Diploma in E-Mobility. This 18-month, industry-focused online program is slated to start in March 2025.

Program duration: 18 months

Eligibility for admission: Applicants must hold a B.E. / B.Tech degree or a 4-year B.Sc / BS degree in a relevant domain of engineering or technology. (Or) Postgraduate (M.Tech / M.Sc / MS) or doctorate students in a relevant domain are also eligible. An understanding of Mathematics and Physics at the undergraduate level is required.

Objective: This industry-focused curriculum is designed and delivered by the IIT Bombay faculty with Great Learning as the EdTech partner, offering participants an immersive experience with hands-on learning using the latest tools and techniques in the industry. Graduates of this ePGD will enjoy the benefits of IIT Bombay alumni status upon successful completion, with a graduation ceremony held at the IIT Bombay campus.

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